You will become Millionaire and then you will lose every thing if....

Have you heard about athletes who
came from really poor family 


they worked really hard and became 
No.1 in their Game + they got Millions
of dollars worth contracts 


then they followed their dreams of 
buying mansions, cars etc 


then they lost every thing and became 
homeless and more poor then they 
were before!

Do you know the reason why they lost
every thing?

if so then write down in the comments

Because they don't know the language of

If you don't know the language of money
then i bet whether you Earn Million dollars
a month or A billion dollars a year,
You will lose every thing.


what do i mean by Language of Money.

My friend

Here are some quick examples:

if you don't learn Language of Humans
you will never be able to communicate 
with any human.

(its different according to countries, 
English French ,German, Russian etc)

If you don't learn the language of Romance
then you will never be able to express 
your love to your Girl friend.


that's why You can't understand your


if you don't learn the Art of Sales then 
you will never be able to make that
Millions of dollars that Some one will
take away from you.


Do you understand Now, How important 
it is for you to learn the Language of 


What is this Language of Money?

  " Finance "

Yes, if you know finance well then you 
can make Million dollar/Year easily 


if you know Finance + Sales, you can 
make over a Million dollars in a MONTH.

Let me tell you a secret about finance!

it is One of the most easiest and interesting 
subject in the world but there are some 
peoples (we can say GOVT) who doesn't 
want average peoples to learn finance 


if average peoples started understanding 
finance, then a lot of monopolistic communities
are going to lose a lot of Money,


if i say they will be on the
roads in couple decades then it won't be wrong.

that's why they started using Boring, dumb and
difficult type of words in financial language 
that made finance look like a subject for idiots


Actually Peoples who don't learn finances 
are the Biggest idiots on Earth.

By the way read my recent article where i 
showed Some secrets of Rich:

        How to get rid of Poverty!

and last thing!

How do you learn about finance?

By Reading Books on finance!

Here's a book which changed Warren buffet's

Intelligent investor by benjamin graham

there is no link here, So search this on your
own on amazon.


Watch free videos of peoples like Robert kiyosaki
on YouTube.

Ask your questions in the Comments.


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