Why Poverty is a Curse and poor peoples are worse!
Have you ever heard that a poor person
helped Billions of peoples by giving
them food, clothes and shelter.
Never because Poor peoples can’t Do
any thing but if you are a rich guy like
Bill gates
You have a 90 Billion
dollars, you can
help Millions of Other Poor Peoples by
giving them Food , Clean Water,
Clothes and shelter.
How do those peoples like Bill gates get
so rich?
They help Billions of peoples in making
their Life Easy. you would be using a
phone,tablet or Laptop to read this right
You have paid money to buy this device
that you are currently using?
The Company who made this device got
your Money and the person who started
that company became more richer!
What if a Billion peoples buy that
device from The same company, what
will happen?
The Owner of that company will become
This is how Jeff bezos , Bill gates and
Warren buffet Became Billionaire!
Do you want to be a billionaire?
Create a product that 1 Billion peoples
Sell it to them with a profit margin.
You are now officially Billionaire!
It is This Simple and Easy but Your
Mommy, daddy And school teachers
never taught you this!
Go ask them!
Now let me tell you a secret that
“ Only
rich peoples Know ”
Before I tell you this let me tell you
who Taught me this,
My mentors Tai Lopez and Robert
Kiyosaki, both of these guys are Rich as
Search for them on Youtube or google,
if you want to know about them.
What my mentors told me that only Rich
Peoples know!
Here's what:
Have you ever heard about that saying that
“ Rich gets richer and poor is getting poor ”
Rich gets richer because they invest in
things like Properties ,Land ,Gold ,Stocks
Poor peoples put their money in things like
Cars, Houses or Mansions , Vacations,
Fancy Clothes (buying branded stuff).
You would must be thinking:
If Rich peoples don’t buy cars, Houses
Fancy Clothes then why do they need
Rich peoples buy every thing that they
First they create Assets which put money
in their Bank accounts every month.
What is an asset?
An asset is some thing that puts money in
Your pocket.
Examples: A Property that pays you rent
every Month or Stocks that pay you dividend.
(dividend is amount of money that a
company Pays to those peoples who buy their
stocks )
This is what rich peoples know that Poor
peoples Don’t.
One another thing that most rich peoples do!
“ They don’t buy a car or house where they Live ”
I repeat
“ Rich peoples don’t buy cars or House where
they live”
What they do?
They lease!
Because these things lose their value day
by day.
And they are also liabilities!
What is a Liability?
Things that cost you money and in return
these thing don’t put Money back in your
pocket are Liabilities.
Yes, Your Girlfriend is also a Liability.
Is this enough for today?
If you want me to write more on this topic
Write in the comments!
Now go out, learn a new skill and make
some Money!
Get Rich.
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